Driving Instructor training canterbury
Why Choose Us?

We have an advantage the nationals will never have, we live and operate on your doorstep and to us you are a real person not just a number!

Train on Your Doorstep around Your Current Work Commitments and Benefit from Unique Local Knowledge that will be invaluable when You start Working in the Local Area.

Benefit from True Family Values that have been the backbone of the driving school’s success since 2008.

driving instructor training canterbury
“Hi, I’m John Harvey, I started John Harvey Driving School in 2008 with my brand new shiny Peugeot 308cc and more than a few butterflies as I went it alone! Since then I have built up the Driving School from just me to a great team of instructors currently teaching local students per week.”
John Harvey

Owner, John Harvey Driving School.

The “Ultimate Training Course” In Canterbury & the Surrounding Areas!
The “Ultimate Training Course” has been constantly tweaked and tested and is specifically designed to suit YOUR requirements not ours.

Many of our competitors assemble their courses to maximise their return and often squeeze up to three trainees to a single training vehicle and then hope their trainer can cope with all three at once. (Just one of the hidden costs of cheap training)

Just think about that for a second!

You will be dividing your valuable training time by three.

We offer a personal 1-1 service throughout the course and I, personally, will be with you every step of the way from your first assessment drive right through to the day when you qualify.

You will receive help and assistance at every step of the qualifying process and we will remain on hand with career guidance, business advice and personal development once you have become a fully qualified Driving Instructor.

Our ADI training Courses are part time and follow a highly successful training structure. There is plenty of flexibility built in so that training and home study can be arranged around your current commitments, this way you can train at your own pace.

Driving instructor training is most affective when carried out at regular intervals for short periods of time, 2-4 hours in car training a week and 2 hours home study is a good guide. This keeps you in frequent contact with your personal trainer, constantly motivated and allows adequate time for your home study between training sessions.

The course must be completed within the guidelines set out by the DVSA which currently is a two year period from the date you are accepted onto the register of driving instructors.

    About John Harvey
  • Over 19 years as an Approved Driving Instructor
    DVSA highest grade ADI since 2012
  • Currently a DVSA Grade A, scoring 51/51
  • Highest graded instructor in Kent according to Gov.uk, Find your nearest.
  • Approved to deliver the Go Green Driving Instructor training program

We are one of only a few companies accredited to use the Go Green Driving Instructor Training course. Go Green are one of the leading training establishments in the industry. The course is a 50 hour program consisting of in-car sessions and home study.

driving instructor training canterbury
As the owner at John Harvey Driving School, I am also the head of our Instructor Training program and i’m responsible for the in-house development of our fully qualified franchised instructors. If you choose us and start your journey on the training program you will be trained by me personally.

I have a wealth of experience having worked in the industry for over 17 years and have been in your shoes, so fully understand what a daunting task this might seem.

In order to maximise your time and accelerate your learning, ALL training is carried out on a 1:1 basis and you will be working with me personally.

It’s for this reason we can only accept a small number of trainees in the program at one time

Our strategy has always been to offer quality for a few rather than conveyor belt training for many.


When we consider how the ADI qualification is structured, it really is an effective logical and simple system.

Part One: Demonstrate you know the theory of driving and teaching in a car.

Part Two: Demonstrate you can drive to a very good standard.

Part Three: Prove that you can teach it to someone else.

Unfortunately, many training organisations follow to closely to the DVSA’s assessment format when preparing their potential driving instructors for their tests.

This approach is far too rigid, lacking any integration of driving or instruction practice during part one training.

“The Ultimate Training Course” below has a proven and highly successful track record, following a very structured approach to maximise your learning potential.

In-Car Sessions

Evaluating your own progress and recognising your strengths, limitations and development needs is key to being self-aware. This means you can set your own goals knowing exactly what it is you need to do in order to improve your driving skills and driving instructional techniques. The in-car sessions focus on your driving technique and help you develop this to beyond a DVSA Part 2 driving standard; your commentary driving skills; and your driving instructional techniques, so that you understand all about lesson planning, levels of instruction, core competencies and feedback. Working alongside your John Harvey trainer, they will help you track and monitor your progress through the course, completing an evaluation form after each in-car session.

If you would like a free copy of our Information Brochure to help with your research

Please pop your postal address details in the box below and I will post out a copy today.

The book will cover the following:
  • The current situation in the industry
  • Qualification to become a driving instructor
  • The Pro’s and Con’s
  • What happens now you are qualified?
  • What’s it really like?
  • Real case studies from working driving instructors
  • Choice of tuition vehicle?
  • Self-employment
  • Personal satisfaction
  • Are you suitable?
  • Beware the hidden cost of cheap!

Use Of Data.                       

We operate a transparent personal data policy to comply with GDPR legislation:By entering your details to this form, you will receive postal mail along with the book, you will also receive email with further information and updates relative to a possible change of career. You can opt-out from receiving email from John Harvey Instructor Training at any time and from each individual email you receive.